How Dental Assistants Play a Major Role in Case Acceptance

February 6, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — gcdentassist @ 6:38 pm
a dental assistant smiling

Dental assistants play a very instrumental role within any given office, not just by serving as an extra set of hands for the dentist, but also by providing expert insight, advice, and assurance to patients throughout their visit. However, did you know that this role can also play a large part in increasing case acceptance, or a patient’s willingness to show up and undergo treatment? Keep reading to learn more!

Why Might a Patient Not Move Forward with Treatment?

To put it simply, there could be countless reasons why a patient might not want to receive dental treatment—even if the procedure in question is positively life-changing! However, no matter their reasoning, it is your job as a dental assistant to find out what’s going on and take steps to address it. Whether it’s about money, fear, time, or a simple disagreement about what’s necessary, you can take the initiative to offer other solutions, ease their anxiety, and provide a greater explanation about the particular procedure. You’re acting as an ambassador for the dentist, and ensuring the patient that their plan is the best possible treatment route!

How Can Dental Assistants Increase Case Acceptance?

A large part of dental assisting is having a compassionate and caring approach; working with patients daily builds relationships and trust, and it also exhibits a willingness to always be patient and listen closely. Do what you can to make them comfortable, educated, and confident about their time spent in the dental chair.

Aside from patient education and reassurance, consider the following:

  • You’ll want to provide detailed answers for patients that make sense and are easy to understand. Keep in mind that clinical terminology might not be as second nature to them as it is to you!
  • Remind patients that hesitancy isn’t viewed negatively; show them you understand their concerns and make sure they feel heard. As a result, they might end up feeling more comfortable committing to treatment.
  • Make an effort to schedule their next visit before they leave; even if they feel unsure, it’s better to have something written down than to have them leave and hope they’ll call back.
  • Provide alternative ways for an individual to pay—finances are a big roadblock for many dental patients, and they might not know about all of their options when it comes to payment.

The bottom line is that dental assistants are absolutely pivotal to the success of any dental office, and knowing how to speak, listen, and work with patients will ultimately help you realize just how rewarding this career choice can be!

About the Green Country School of Dental Assisting

Here at the Green Country School of Dental Assisting, we’ve helped countless aspiring dental assistants in Claremore learn the ins and outs of their field and provided them with the knowledge and confidence to succeed in their new roles! If you have any questions about the blog or you’d like to request additional information about enrollment, feel free to contact us online or over the phone for assistance. Telephone: (918) 343-7188.

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