4 Must-Know Tips for Preparing for Dental Assistant School

August 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — gcdentassist @ 9:46 pm
a closeup of a smiling dental assistant

If you’ve finally decided to begin dental assistant school, you’re probably feeling pretty ecstatic to be kicking off your new career! However, this trajectory can also be a little intimidating for even the most motivated prospective dental assistant student. But with the right preparation, dental assistant training is much easier than you may realize, and any feelings of doubt or anxiety that pop up can easily be kept to a minimum. Here are a few tips worth keeping in mind as you embark on this new and exciting career path.

Tip #1. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Questions

When you’re seated in the classroom, there’s no reason to simply sit there, stare at the instructor and board, and hope that you’ll be able to retain the new information. The bottom line is that you should ask as many questions as necessary for you to fully understand and comprehend what’s being presented to you. Chances are, you aren’t the only one in the class who will need further clarification on a given topic. Many programs also rely on hands-on exercises for instruction, meaning that if something isn’t making sense to you, it’s certainly in your best interest to speak up so you do things correctly!

Tip #2. Stay On Top of Things

Dental assistant training is fast-paced; there’s quite a lot that you’ll be responsible for learning in preparation for the DANB exam, in addition to a large load of regular assignments. If you have a history of procrastinating, now might be the time to break the habit and focus on staying ahead, rather than working from behind. You’ll feel much better by staying ahead of the game; plus, if you need some extra time to study a certain topic, you won’t feel like you’re sacrificing time elsewhere.

Tip #3. Get Enough Sleep & Eat Before Class

It goes without saying that the human body cannot perform at peak functionality if it hasn’t had enough rest or doesn’t have enough fuel—so how can you expect to retain everything you’ll be learning in class if you aren’t sleeping enough or eating beforehand? It may sound obvious, but you won’t absorb critical clinical knowledge if your stomach is growling or you’re busy yawning throughout the lecture. Be sure you’re getting a full night of sleep before those early-morning classes, and if you need to, pack a healthy snack ahead of time—and don’t forget your water bottle!

Tip #4. Set Realistic Goals & Reward Yourself

As with any type of schooling, dental assistant school is a lengthy process that involves quite a bit of comprehension, memorization, and practice. That said, no one knows your own study limits, preferred style of learning, and school-related habits as well as yourself. Remember to set realistic goals for yourself and strive to make consistent, forward progress throughout your journey. Once you’ve set your goals and begun achieving them don’t forget to reward yourself with guilt-free rest and relaxation; otherwise, you might struggle to stay afloat! Dental assistants act as the grease that keeps the gears of a dental office churning and ultimately ensure that the dentist is able to provide the absolute best care possible. By being adequately prepared for your education, you’re setting yourself up for a very fruitful career!

About Green Country School of Dental Assisting

The Green Country School of Dental Assisting has helped countless prospective students in the Claremore, OK area with their education, and they look forward to assisting you next if you’re hoping to kickstart your dental assisting career. If you have any questions about the article or you’d like to get in touch with their talented staff, don’t hesitate to contact the school online or by phone today! Telephone: (918) 343-7188.

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