Course Outline – Claremore, OK
What to Expect During Your 10-Week Journey
Tired of sitting in an office all day? If you’re ready for a more exciting career, you may be interested in signing up for our dental assisting program. Our program involves 10 weeks of hands-on training where students will have a chance to practice the various routines of chair-side assisting. Classes are held on Saturdays from 8 AM-2 PM or on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6 PM-9 PM, allowing students to hold a full-time job while attending the program. For a brief overview of what to expect from this course, continue reading!
Introduction to Dentistry and Dental Assisting

Students will receive a general overview of the dental profession, including a discussion of professional associations, dental specialties, and the role of a dental assistant in the general dental office. Dental ethics is reviewed, and a comparison is made between ethics and jurisprudence. In this course, an introduction to basic infection control is included and students will learn how to protect the patient, doctor, and themselves.
Dental Anatomy, Terminology, and Alginate Impressions

In this course, students will learn dental anatomy and function. The individual characteristics of dental anatomy are studied as well as the human dentition and supporting structures.
Preventive and Restorative Dentistry

This course is designed to give students basic skills in the initial reception, seating, and examination of the patient. Using basic instruments and dental filling materials, demonstrations are given to students. They’ll also learn to educate patients about proper dental health care. Coronal polishing techniques and pit and fissure sealant placements are shown. Lastly, chair side role-playing situations are created to give students the experience of assisting the doctor.
Dental Charting and Introduction to Dentrix

In this course, students will get acquainted with the methods and symbols used in the dental office to properly record all needed and existing treatments. Aside from discussing the classification of cavities, students will practice preparing dental charts using appropriate symbols and abbreviations. Students will also become familiar with the latest version of Dentrix, a dental office software.
Dental Radiography and Resume Construction

During this course, students will learn how to effectively take X-rays using the Rinn Bisected-Angle Technique. They’ll work with the dentist and instructors to practice techniques of taking alginate impressions and pouring up stone models. In addition, students will receive instruction on resume preparation and interview techniques.
Removable Prosthodontics, Fixed Prosthodontics, and Orthodontics

In this course, students will learn about the denture fabrication process and the many ways to replace missing teeth with a fixed prosthesis. They’ll develop a basic understanding of commonly used impression materials, bite registrations, and placement of retraction cords. Along with learning how to place and create temporary crowns, students will be given a basic overview of standard orthodontic procedures.
Oral Surgery

This course is designed to introduce students to several oral surgery procedures. They’ll become familiar with the basic instruments of oral surgery.

In this course, students will learn about the root canal procedure and which instruments are required for it. We’ll discuss the disease process of a tooth and which indications point to a tooth needing root canal treatment.
Clinical Procedures and Finals

At the end of this 10-week course, students will practice all clinical procedures learned during the course of the program. They’ll take final written and instrument exams.